Using the most innovative and prestige peel on the market today, L beauty provides the ultimate rejuvenating experience for your new layer of fresh, healthy, and luminous-looking skin.
Benefits of Our Signature Secret RM Peel
No downtime / Non-invasive procedure
No peeling / No Pain
Contains 14 active ingredients including aminoacids and vitamins.
Reduce fine lines
Helps battle acne and enlarged pores
Biostimulating and revitalizing actions
- increase cellular turnover and elastin/collagen production
- promote exfoliation and reduce fine lines
- battles acne, enlarged pores and comedones.
Stabilizing and protective actions increase overall hydration of the skin
FOR ULTIMATE RESULTS, we recommend receiving 3 sessions within one month period.
Each session is 40 minutes / HST will be added to the listed prices
[ 1 session ] $250
[ 3 sessions ] $720